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File Created: 21-May-1986 by Eileen Van der Flier Keller (EVFK)
Last Edit:  23-Jul-2007 by Sarah Meredith-Jones (SMJ)

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NMI 103F8 Col4
Name YAKOUN LAKE, TRILBY, CAMP TRILBY Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103F040
Status Showing NTS Map 103F08E
Latitude 053º 18' 53'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 132º 11' 54'' Northing 5910760
Easting 686746
Commodities Coal Deposit Types A05 : Anthracite
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The showing is located at an elevation of 305 metres on Baddeck Creek, 4 kilometres east of Yakoun Lake. An adit was driven south 60 degrees east for 15 metres across the measures.

Several thin seams of coaly material, less than 7.6 centimetres thick, occur interbedded with shale and shaly sandstone of the Cretaceous Queen Charlotte Group, Haida or Skidegate formations. The coal is an impure coked anthracitic material. The basin in which the coal occurs is a narrow north northwest trending syncline, with coal exposures on both the southwest and northeast (Camp Trilby) limbs. The dips of the coal seams are steep. The syncline is partially covered by Tertiary volcanic flows.

EMPR BULL 54, p. 177
GSC MAP 1385A; 5-1990
GSC MEM *69, pp. 149-150; *88, pp. 17, 140-141
GSC OF 2319
GSC P 86-20; 88-1E, pp. 221-227; 89-1H; 90-10, pp. 253-277, 279-294;
91-1A, pp. 367-371
EMPR PFD 508386